Timmy McCarthy

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Is céimí do Choláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh é Timmy McCarthy. Tá céim onóracha aige sa Zó-Eolaíocht. Is léiritheoir, bainisteoir stáitse, múinteoir cúnta drámaíochta, agus aisteoir é. Rinne sé staidéar i CADA Performing Arts le níos mó ná deich mbliana. As sin, chruthaigh sé spéis mhór i ngach taobh den amharclannaíocht, os comhair agus taobh thiar den stáitse. Bhain sé Bonn Óir sa Véarsaíocht agus Prós, agus Bonn Airgid san Aisteoireacht, leis an London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts,  agus é ag freastal ar CADA. Fós tá baint aige leis an scoil, mar mhúinteoir cúnta, agus ag obair cúlstáitse lena gcuid seónna.

Cé go bhfuil céim aige sa Zó-Eolaíocht, bhí an-bhaint aige leis na Cumainn Ghaelacha i gCOC, go háirithe leis An Cumann Drámaíochta. I gcaitheamh na ceithre bliana san ollscoil, bhí baint aige leo mar aisteoir agus bainisteoir stáitse. 

.Timmy McCarthy is a graduate of University College Cork, with an honours degree in Zoology. He is a producer, stage manager, assistant drama teacher, and actor. Having studied at CADA Performing Arts for over 10 years, he has developed a love for all aspects of theatre, both in front of and behind the curtain. While attending CADA, he achieved a Gold Medal in Verse and Prose, as well as a Silver Medal in Acting from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. He continues to be heavily involved in the school now, acting as an assistant teacher, as well as helping with backstage work for the various shows that they produce.

Despite doing a degree in Zoology in college, he was heavily involved with the Irish language societies in UCC, the main one being An Cumann Drámíochta where he both performed in and stage managed numerous plays during his four years of college.